ICS 314 Final Project - Opportunity Searcher

Project Information

For our final project in ICS 314, Kegan Flagg, Matthew Ito, and I were tasked with creating a website that connects students of the UH community to companies who are looking for potential applicants for their jobs. This project is based off of the Company Connector idea from the ICS 314 morea website for Spring 2021.

My role in the project

My main role in the project was the deployment of the app onto the Digital Ocean servers. This included obtaining a droplet from Digital Ocean, creating a secure connection to the application (HTTPS implementation), creating a domain name for the application, etc. Other than that, I played a minor role in coding the overall interactivity with the website, with the most notable jobs I’ve done was improving the navbar UI and search pages. Actual work that included interacting with the database of company and profiles were done by Kegan Flagg and Matthew Ito.

What I have learned

A few things I learned from working on this final project. First thing I learned is how to use IntelliJ for all of my projects. IntelliJ was the primary IDE used for all of my homework and projects in ICS 314. Secondly, I learned how to deploy a website. Following instructions in class, this was a simple task, but important nonetheless. Thirdly, I learned how to streamline work. For our final project, work needed to be done on a constant schedule. This was thankfully done due to organization techniques provided in the class which I touched upon briefly in my reflection essay for the class via the IDPM portion of the essay.

The finished project can be viewed on a website hosted on digital ocean server here. Github.io page containing the progression of the project can be found here.