ICS 314 was pretty fun

12 May 2021

I’ll take my time in this essay to reflect on a few things I learned during my time in ICS 314. There are a few topics I would like to review.

The most important thing I learned from this class was using Open Source Software. More importantly, I’ve become adapt at using IntelliJ to work on my projects. When I first started out coding Javascript, I used Atom Editor. It isn’t necessarily a bad program, but it was ultimately just a text editor with no IDE implementations like in IntelliJ. Getting used to IntelliJ was rough, but after having everything setup properly, coding and committing work to github became streamlined.

Opportunity Project IntelliJ Screenshot

To tie it in, Coding Standards helped make my code look clean and work properly. Errors are properly shown to me and I don’t have to go guessing at what the problem is or what line of code is the problem located at. Back when I created a discord bot for fun, I followed no particular coding standard. I typed in code not caring about how it looked like. Having coding standards implemented in my work helps with organization and troubleshooting things easier.

Opportunity Project IntelliJ Screenshot

For our final project, we’ve been introduced to a style of Agile Project Management(APM) called Issue Driven Project Management(IDPM). Agile Project Management is essentially about learning how to collaborate more efficiently with a team. IDPM is a style of APM that was introduced to us, which allowed our team to more efficiently issue tasks and complete them. In github, we organized project milestones, and within each milestone certain tasks that needed to be completed within a specific timeframe. This gives us a constant schedule to follow, allowing our team to constantly be working on the project.

Opportunity Project IntelliJ Screenshot